The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45608   Message #677481
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Mar-02 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ruins on Mars???
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
And you wouldn't believe it even if it was true...

I mean, hell, 99% of the doctors in the USA around 1989 to the early 1900's heaped ridicule on the one military doctor who suggested that mosquito bites were causing yellow fever in Cuba. They knew better, and he was a quack...a charlatan...a fool.

Guess what? The quack turned out to be right.

Now all doctors are proud that they, brilliant men that they are, know exactly how mosquitos infect people with yellow fever. Meanwhile, they are no doubt denying about 1,001 other discoveries in the alternative health field, and protecting their holy turf and the drug companies who pay them off to maintain it.

GUEST, dh - Yeah, I've seen the stuff on the tube structures...very interesting! I was wondering if anyone would mention that. I don't recall seeing anything about "forest formations".

- LH