The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45775   Message #678637
Posted By: GUEST,SharonA at the library
28-Mar-02 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Continued: Shame and Americans
Subject: RE: BS: Continued: Shame and Americans
Hi, again, Carol. What I was trying to say in my last post is that I had made a generalized statement agreeing with Troll's generalized statement. I didn't mean to target the individuals singled out by DougR, or anyone else. I didn't take notice of who posted the most on Part One of this thread; I just know that it was well over 100 posts, and I got the sense that a lot of the statements made there had already been made on a lot of other political threads.

All I'm saying is that when complaining becomes an end in itself, it's fun but it's not productive.

Hope that's a little more clear (...and now you know how long it takes me to log off and go to the library! *G*). I'm sorry if I offended anyone; it certainly was not my intention to do so.
