The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1356   Message #679081
Posted By: Jon Bartlett
29-Mar-02 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Be Not Too Hard (from Joan Baez)
Subject: RE: Be not too hard
The words are by Christopher Logue, an excellent British poet better known as the editor of "True Stories" in the British satirical mag Private Eye. Logue has done some very sharp and immediate translations from Iliad, one of which appeared recently in the Times Literary Supplement. He was also an early British exoponent of jazz and poetry, making a memorable EP called RED BIRD in I think the late 'fifties or early 'sixties. I wrote to him recently to ask about one of his poems which has been in my head ever since those days, and he replied that the poem with other material will be appearing shortly on a CD. I'm sure there's much more to know and appreciate about this fine writer, but I'm in Canada and not London where he lives. Perhaps other London Mudcatters can fill in the blanks?