The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45678   Message #679138
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
29-Mar-02 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Acne-Help for Frantic teenager
Subject: RE: Help for Frantic teenager
According to Jeanne Rose's herbal body book,acne is a result of excess oil on the skin.Things like cold creams,greasy creams and make-up should be avoided. Nutrition experts say to increase fatty acids, niacin,vit.A and C
An acne herbal steam in equal proportions. You will need 2-4 T. of herbs per steam
Licorice root, Violet leaves(fresh if possible), Comfrey root, Dandelion, Dock and White Willow bark.
Acne Facial Mask- Mash a Guava, strain the juice use the pulp on clean skin,while sitting in the tub or in the sun. Rinse it off after 10-20 min.
Acne Compress- Chop up cooked white onions in a little warm water, and apply the hot pulp several times throughout the day. Besides onions, which contain sulfer, you can use boric acid crystals, birch bark, wintergreen, dandelion, parsley, comfrey, kale, or watercress.
Good luck to your daughter