The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45930   Message #679683
Posted By: musicmick
30-Mar-02 - 05:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists
I am pleased and proud to answer these closet anti-semites who have one set of standards for Jews and another for eveyone else. The Jews didn't start this cycle of violence. The Jews didn't start this neverending war. The Jews weren't the party objecting to a Palestinian state. The Jews were granted a stste by the United Nations, a state that was violenly contested by the pan-Arab world for fifty years. Our sin, in the eyes of our critics, was to survive the animus of our Arab neighbors who, until recently, refused to recognize our right to exist. Israel is not a land of saints. She is, as she was intended to be, a home for the Jewish people. (I've noticed that no one objects to Arab states) Her primary obligation is the security of her populace. When her borders are secure, she will have peace. But you know, and I know, that there are factions in Islam that will never accept the existamce of an "infidel" nation in the Middle East. Unless and until those factions are controlable by a Palestinian government, Israel must maintain control of her borders. In spite of the warmongering smears that Dicho and the nameless Guest employ, Israelis have no desire to remain in a perpetual state of combat readiness. We do, however, prefer peril to surrender or suicide.

Mike Miller