The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10117   Message #67970
Posted By: katlaughing
03-Apr-99 - 11:05 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat family pics...
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
Hey, Sandy! You have any connections to the Contreras family in Venezuela? Specifically Miguel? Used to be a governor down there.

They stiffed us for $20,000.00 on a signed contract for work Rog did down there building and installing tv transmitters! When I contacted the state dept. they sent me 20 page list of lawyers, in Caracas onlywho worked with Americans and other English speakers who'd had problems in business dealings there. And, the twenty pages was in fine print, probably about 70-100 per page!(Well, it seemed like it, at least.)

Rog had his laptop, passport and plane ticket home stolen, so eventually, when he did get home, we decided to let bygones be bygones. That guy was too slick and even people in his own country can't keep a'hold of him!

Oh, well, just say the reference and brought up all those repressed memories and, and, next thing ya' know.....I've got twinges of PMSS starting up and his name wasn't even MAX!***smile***

Catspaw: glad I measured up to your expectations!
