The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45608   Message #679761
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Mar-02 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ruins on Mars???
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
It's easy, Soph...just go to any university and sit in on a meeting of the engineers' society! :-)

I could also point you in the direction of several likely people in the Orillia area who will repeat to you every common notion and cliche you've ever heard and bore you to tears while they obsess over the "fact" that hundreds of perverts deserving execution are living a cushy life in a palatial jail cell somewhere, and bemoan the "fact" that turban-wearing immigrants are taking over our society and destroying our churches...

I am, of course, being somewhat flippant. The conventional mind exists in the mind's eye of the beholder. Some people are more obviously rigid than others when it comes to considering new (new to them, that is) ideas...and it's clear that their rigidity is based mostly on a desire for psychological security in an ever-changing world.

DH - thanks for the links...

- LH