The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45963   Message #680528
Posted By: Coyote Breath
01-Apr-02 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Threads started by trolls
Subject: RE: BS: Threads started by trolls
It took me a while to figure out just what a troll was all about. I found this out on another site and I was stunned by the incredibly bad form of "communication" such messaging represents.

Maybe when something like that happens just pointing out that it is troll bait would be enough.

I am now convinced that there are people (and I use that term advisedly) who do NOTHING but surf about looking for sites to stir stuff up at. (wooo Miss Ooley would scold me for THAT sentence).

At the "site of my awakening" the "message" was racist and downright evil. It could and should have been avoided but there were those who rose to the bait and there ended up hundreds of replies posted which meant that the original foul contact was perpetuated.

but didn't some of us take a "don't rise to the bait" pledge recently?