The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45963   Message #680860
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
01-Apr-02 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Threads started by trolls
Subject: RE: BS: Threads started by trolls
The other point is that some of us slow learners take a bit to figure it out. It's called a learning curve. As humans we all have it, learning curves, and as we sort things out we change how we do business. I enjoy the no rules free for all we have here. I like the Trolls - they get a need met here and the rest of us get to choose whether we accelerate or decelerate the particular thread.

I've seen Joe Offer and Max both ask folks to not respond to threads and didn't stop a thing. PMs seem to work for me also. Keeps it personal and on the up and up with what I want to say.

Cool beans -
