The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45930   Message #681587
Posted By: GUEST
02-Apr-02 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists
These reports are from March 31st to April 1st from the newly established Palestinian Independent Media Center. The Independent Media Center and Al Jazeera are two of a handful of media sources not controlled by Western media conglomerate outlets still reporting from the West Bank.

Since Al Jazeera currently only has the capacity to report in Arabic (they are working on English language translation outlets), Indy Media, once again, is one of the few independent media groups reporting on the ground in the area, in any language.

War in Bethlehem Update 1900 1900 Update: Intermittent fighting is continuing throughout Bethlehem, Aza, Ayda and Deheishe. Loud explosions followed by machine gun clashes continue. There is now a 24-hour curfew imposed on the city by IDF, who have taken complete control of the city except for sporadic resistance. Internationals are ordered out of the area and some have entered into negotiations with their consulates. Israel and US authorities have said they are "not re-occupying," but instead just imposing martial law for at least 3-4 weeks.

1430 Update: More details are coming in about the fighting going on in Deheishe. IDF brought 2 tanks in with them for the invasion, and they have been attacked with homemade bombs by Palestinian children who are 12-13 years old. There are IDF injuries, and IDF called in 15 tanks after the bombings this morning. IDF soldiers entered from all sides of the camp. More updates to come as available.

Update 1400 Bethlehem: IDF attacks continue throughout the city of Bethlehem. At Deheishe, an IDF tank has been hit by a bomb. Intense clashes continue here.

Ayda and Aza camps in Bethlehem have had their power cut.

British citizens have been denied evacuation by Israel. International consular officials are being denied access to international civilians in Ramallah.

Tanks have surrounded the IMC office in Bethlehem proper.

Al-Jazeera is reporting that IDF has striked a church in Bethlehem, priest killed, nuns injured, statue of Virgin Mary damaged.

URGENT: Bethlehem Update 08.45: The whole Bethlehem area has been declared a closed military zone and no press are allowed admittance. There are fierce gunbattles raging and the Tanzim (Palestininan resistance fighters) are being pushed toward Manger Square.

The Star Hotel, where some of our international delegation are staying, has 10 tanks stationed outside. Journalists are also with the group. An Al Jazeera journalist has been shot whilst on the 5th floor of the hotel. A bulldozer has just been sighted driving past Azza refugee camp. There are troops in all the refugee camps, as well as tanks.

We fear for what is about to happen. These developments are extremely sinister. Please call your media and your politicians. Demand international action to stop a bloody slaughter.

Witnesses on the ground in Bethlehem: (for international dialing drop the 0 before the phone number) English - Heather 00 972 (0) 67 270 398 English - Georgina 00 972 (0) 55 840 767/ 00 972 (0) 674 5459 English – IMC Palestine 00 972 (0) 2 277 7558 Arabic/English - Bilal 00 972 (0) 52 814 992 Italian - Francesca 00 39 3389 77 3899 There are French speakers available as well.

UPDATE: Bethlehem 0601: URGENT UPDATE: Internationals in Ayda refugee camp are reporting heavy gunfire and IDF soldiers on the ground swarming throughout the camp. An Italian national, Ricardo, has just reported that the soldiers have taken over a house next to him and are firing from the roof. The international civilians are again repeating their plea for representitives from their respective governments to please come to Bethlehem and help stop the atrocities that are occurring right now in Ayda refugee camp.

0230: At the Ibda'a computer center we are experiencing massive fighting going on outside. We can hear clearly a tank rolling by the building and there is massive tank fire, mortar fire and gun clashes. It appears that the IDF have entered Dehaishe via the Ibda'a entrance. We are all on the floor as the very loud shots occur outside.

0145:Five tanks are coming into Beit Sahour led by a bulldozer past the YMCA. We are experiencing helicopter fire and Dehaishe refugee camp has soldiers conducting house to house searches.

2340: We have just received reports that the Israeli military has begun house to house searches in Dehaishe refugee camp and we are seeing F-16's fliying overhead now.

Fateh to IDF: "If you have to write your wills, do it before you come to Bethlehem" Fateh and Tanzim Warn IDF: Fateh, Tanzim and the popular resistance has issued a warning to Israeli Occupation Forces regarding their impending invasion of Bethlehem and Dehaishe.

UPDATE: RAMALLAH 0130: The Occupation forces are shelling a local security building Al Ammen Al Weka'ai [Preventitive Security]. This is a government building and there are 400+ people inside, 60 of whom are women. People reporting from the inside say that it is on fire and Huwaida Arraf is reporting that they are still hearing constant shelling very close to where they live near the city's main hospitals. It seems to be coming fromthe area of Amaari Refugee camp.

Please phone Neta Golan in the Presidential compound at 972 (0) 55 385 257

April 01, 2002 1600: The situation in Ramallah has deteriorated dramatically in the past few hours. Explosions are occurring throughout the city. Israeli soldiers are trying to forcible evict an Italian Peace Delegation headed by MEP Luisa Morgantini from the offices of the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees. The army has destroyed a building next to the UPMRC. Witnesses describe how five Palestinians and two Italians were made to kneel on the ground at gunpoint. Anti-aircraft missiles have been used against buildings. Anti- tank missiles have been used against Palestinian gunman. Red cross ambulances are attempting to deliver food and medical supplies to the Presidential compound they have been denied access for over two hours. The Israeli army has set up equipment around the compound which is interfering with communications from those in the compound to the outside world. There is a dire shortage of food inside the compound and there is no running water. The international civilians have again reiterated their plea for their ambassadors to come to Ramallah immediately.

Twelve international civilians are at the hospital and have been all day to preventing Israeli forces from entering. The three Palestinian medics arrested yesterday were released late in the night in an unknown location. They had to make their way home on foot. The ten French civilians are now in Jerusalem and are being deported. the group includes Jose Bove.

Ashraf in Ramallah The world is seeing what is happening. History is repeating itself. It's a fascist world. This is fascism, how they [the Israeli soldiers] are dealing with people, detaining them in big schools and interrogating each one, writing numbers on them. And the shocking thing is this silence about what they are doing. These Israeli operations are targeting innocent civilians. People are terrified. The Israeli soldiers are shooting everything. Life here has totally stopped; it's dead.


Friends as you may be hearing, seeing or reading the situation in Palestine is desperate. Israeli forces have invaded almost every area of Ramallah and we are under heavy tank shelling and gun fire. An unidentified number of people are dead and scores are injured. Ambulances have been prevented access and soldiers are opening fire on them.

There are international civilians in the areas under fire witnessing the carnage of the Israeli soldiers wreaked on the Palestinian people. Other internationals have been beaten down for trying to get into Ramallah to help Palestinians.

We extend a plea from the Palestinians and the international witnesses to all of our friends abroad to immediately phone and/or fax your representatives and respective governments to demand urgent and decisive action to stop Israel's brutal offensive on the Palestinian people

Gather, march, and protest in the streets! We need the voices of all good people around the world!