The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10068   Message #68175
Posted By: katlaughing
04-Apr-99 - 11:38 PM
Thread Name: The Mudcat is Closing its Doors
Subject: RE: The Mudcat is Closing its Doors
Catspaw, I don't really think you are the one who needs to be apologising. And, in fact I don't think Max needs to anymore. What I do think he needs to do is let us know, esp. Shula, that he now truly understands how important this community is to so many of us. I could really relate to what Shula's husband posted. I am an empath and take things to heart so easily, so it really was devastating for a few hours to think that we would all be lost to one another.

Joe, I have to disagree, also. In the short time I've been on here, I feel I can "read" the postings of Mudcatters pretty well, and most of the time know whether to take them seriously or not. I guess because Max isn't on here that often and not in the capacity that we all usually are, that some of us we unable to "read" him, but I just don't feel that about the rest of you. I think, in fact, that is what makes this such a fine community.

And, I DID joke about it earlier in this thread, so I know I haven't lost my sense of humour and fun. I took it at face value, was in a state of shock for about an hour and then went into action, as noted earlier, as a consequence I spent over six hours saving files, etc. As I said before, I am glad I did. Have already started editing the music therapy thread, but didn't need the shock of this to motivate me! Isn't "practical joke" an oxymoron?

Again, if Max is really serious about fundraising, I wish he would answer my question about direct payments from our checking/savings accounts.

Agreeing to disagree,
