The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45930   Message #681899
Posted By: GUEST,mg
02-Apr-02 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists
I do not think that terrorism will automatically stop if Palestine is re-created. I think that a condition of its existence has got to be an essential state of occupation, but this time by neutral parties. But I think it cannot be delayed until the violence stops. It is the right thing to do, although it needs severe checks obviously. Another condition is that Arafat must be retired, gone..kaput. There is no doubt that he is a terrorist. I personally would like to see a non-Arab (I guess I mean non-Muslim) Palestinian, as president/leader/chairwoman, such as the woman spokesperson who is on TV a lot. I think that would diffuse a lot of fears about Muslim extremists etc. I was getting weekly reports from HCCRF??? A Palestinian Christian group..but they have stopped in the last few weeks. They were so sad, especially reports from the children, who live in such terror. I do think that part of the problem is that the Palestinians truly do not understand that they are aggressors in the latest round, granted, within a very sad and debatable context. I wish there were a way to really communicate with them and let them know that peace and statehood are within reach, but that all their demands and desires will never be met. Unjust things have been done to them but there is no real way of undoing them so they will have to adjust...but things can be infinitely better for them if they will just rein in their martyrs/terrorists. mg