The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10117   Message #68210
Posted By: Ferrara
05-Apr-99 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat family pics...
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
Joe, I hope you're a fast runner.

We can take full-frame photos of the harp (which really is a zither-harp if you want to be technical) and zither and scan them in. BUT, I just finished up a roll of film and had it developed (the one with the concert pictures). I'll have to look for an excuse to shoot another full roll right away.

The zither has the names of the strings actually printed on its face. Don't know whether we could get good enough resolution to show that.

The harp is missing one string in the F chord. I might bite the bullet and replace the string, I guess. It's no fun to string. I've been thinking of offering money to Keith Young to re-string the whole thing. I figure it would take me four or five hours at a minimum. (Counting the time to undo my mistakes and replace the strings I broke.) And don't ask me to consider re-stringing the zither! (Although if I thought that would make it hold a tuning, I'd do it if it took a week!)