The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42077   Message #682337
Posted By: The Shambles
03-Apr-02 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: Help Change Music In My Country
The following question from Hamish Birchall and reply from the DCMS Ronnie Bridgett is of interest.

But the Government now proposes that, in addition to the risk assessments employers have a statutory duty to undertake (taking into account all activities in the workplace), 'all activities to be held on a Premises Licence including non-amplified music would need to be revealed in the operating plan put for approval to the local authority'.

Do you envisage licensees being required to declare whether or not customers will sing - unamplified - for their own amusement?

We do not anticipate that premises licences would have to include such an element.

This does seem to contradict Mr Bridgett's earlier reply given to my council (see earlier in the thread). If it is the latest thinking it should be welcomed but needs to appear in the Government's proposals. The problem being that without the principle, of the right to make music being established in the legislation, it still only needs one of our officials to claim the activity is public entertainment, for us to have go to court to fight it, exactly the same as now.