The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10068   Message #68265
Posted By: AlistairUK
05-Apr-99 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: The Mudcat is Closing its Doors
Subject: RE: The Mudcat is Closing its Doors
OK my two penny'th. I have been away for a few days, and in that time was itching, literally itching to get my hands on a comp to see what was happening ( the place i was staying at doesn't even have running water let alone electricity and ports to plug in a laptop. I didn't realise how much this community meant to me. So when I came on this morning I had a lot of catching up to do. When i saw the title of the thread I was not, and I reapet, not taken in by young master Max's shennanigans. But like most of you that came in after the fact, it done got me to finking a wee bit about the 'Cat and it's inhabitants. I was truly shocked at the thought that Shula may have had a relapse because of the prank, and really think that Max needs a gentle cuff round the ear for that :o), though I'm sure he is going to feel sufficiently contrite and guilt ridden for some time (yeah roast over hot coals yah dingbat :o) ) And I have never even spoken to Shula, never in a thread nor nuffink. So, you is all may bruddahs and sistahs and I wooden't like to lose any of youse finks ever.