The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39304   Message #682724
Posted By: Joe in the'pool
04-Apr-02 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: Slavery-Era Song, 'Run, ======, Run'
Subject: RE: Slavery-Era Song, 'Run, ======, Run'
Very interesting thread, as a young person I was very used to the word (as observed by my various scars) and acted accordingly. As be-fitting my upbringing I fought with anyone who used the word nigger, which, with hindsight helped to develop my 'could'nt care about life' attitude 'if this is what it was all about'. That led to the usual 'off to the bad boys home for you laddo' where I discovered that the other black people there, had nearly all been through similar situations, i.e.

If somebody calls you nigger act first think later, yeh right but, we're the ones who end up in prison, or worse! As an adult I have fought against injustices for ALL people (as do many, many people) and at this time in my life (47) I welcome young Black people getting used to the word without their hearts missing a beat and their blood boiling to a point of 'no return'. It's part of the history of the most vile way, langauge can be used against Black people, so lets take the power away from those who use it to insult and await a response, which use to mean 'Prison' for the black person.

So, run nigger run aka run rabbit run or whatever other version, lets have the discussions, lets utilise the words in poems/songs etc. we know when it's part of a racist attack or a way of explaining history etc. we know who the enemy is and it's NOT the word it's the ACTION.

Keep up the plays a part in keeping young black people out of Prison, for a word!!
