The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3794   Message #68338
Posted By: Sara
05-Apr-99 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: Urban myths (and legends)
Subject: RE: Urban myths (and legends)
There was this guy that felt like he was supposed to be looking for something so he decided to go out for a drive knowing that he will find it on the way. After driving for a while he ran out of gas in front of an old house so he decided to knock on the door to see if anyone was home. A beautiful young girl answered the door. The man asked the girl who she was, but the girl couldn't speak so she had to answer his questions by writing it down on notebook paper. After a couple of weeks he got to know her better, the girl really didn't like him and wanted him to go away but she couldn't do anything about it. One night while he was sleeping in the house he heard screams in the night he went to go investigate.He looked out the window and saw a man holding the girls head over a well.Thinking it was just his imagination he went back to sleep. Later on he woke up again to screams.This time he went downstairs to look around. He saw the man he saw earlier holding a ax trying to chop off the girls head. He yelled at the girl screaming,"you stupid bitch,you betrayed me, your father".Before the boys eyes they vanihed.Thinking that he was imagining things again, he went back to sleep. A couple days later, he and the girl went on a picnic.When the girl was sleeping, he noticed that her necklace clasp had broken he took off the locket, not noticing the red line around her neck where the neklace had been. After he had fixed it,he couldn't help wondering what was inside. Earlier in the week when he had asked her if she could take it off and let him look at it but she wouldn't let him. Thinking that she will not find out about it while she was asleep, he opened it. It was a picture of him and the girl which was quite weird becouse they had never taken any pictures of themselves.After studying it for a while he tried to wake her up to ask her about it but when he lifted her up her head rolled off. The locket had been keeping her head attached to her body.