The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10068   Message #68360
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
05-Apr-99 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: The Mudcat is Closing its Doors
Subject: RE: The Mudcat is Closing its Doors
Wow. Some folks are laying an awful lot of guilt on Max and an awful load of responsibility. Maybe we should all look at our dependence on the Mudcat community and consider whether or not we need to get more of a life. Max is not responsible for the rest of his life for keeping this site up permanently to amuse and entertain and inform us. It's great that he does, but not his life. Whether or not he loses money or makes millions on the mudcat, whether or not he was joking on April 1 or sounding off or whatever, it is our responsibility not to depend on the mudcat for our well-being. The idea that we should demand his continued responsibility and accountability is troublesome to me.

I enjoy the forum as much as anyone and run to the computer whenever I get a few minutes to browse, post whenever something stirs me enough and thoroughly enjoy reading some of the threads. Also, some of them are boring and uninformative and unfunny and uncompelling. Sometimes, the rest of my life waits because I'm too busy reading the mudcat to pick up my guitar, or too busy reading the mudcat to balance my checkbook or too busy reading the mudcat to do anything else. This is not Max's fault either. He created the monster, but I have to deal with it personally.

There have been threads identifying other discussion forums. There have been threads sharing e-mail addresses with mudcatters. There would be ways to get in touch with mudcat people and there are undoubtedly other people outside the mudcat who have compatible ideas and interests. I hope I haven't offended anyone, but I really think we need to lighten up (another thread) and leave the idea of entitlement and guilt out of the mudcat. Enjoy it while it lasts.