The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2868   Message #68392
Posted By: Mark Roffe
05-Apr-99 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: songbook bibliography
Subject: RE: songbook bibliography
One of these is old, and the other's even older, but I just checked and found them both available and reasonably priced: 1) Very highly recommended "Journey to Freedom," L.G. Dowdey, Chicago, Swallow Press, 1969 - lyrics, chords, and poetry from ML King, Gandhi, Guthrie, Farina, Malvina Reynolds, Seeger, Che, Tennessee Williams, and lots of others!! 2) Kinda fun "Read 'em and Weep (The Songs You Forgot to Remember)," Sigmund Spaeth, New York, Halcyon House, 1926/1939 - turn of the century Americana.
