The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46154   Message #684201
Posted By: lady penelope
05-Apr-02 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: American English Bl**p*rs
Subject: RE: BS: American English Bl**p*rs
Coo I must live in very cosmopolitan place ( Walthamstow in London ). We get squash ( like a small deformed pumpkin,ie same colour different shape ) zuccini are indeed courgettes, which are , indeed, very small marrows. We also get loads of stuff I don't even know the names of and haven't a clue how to cook apart from sweet potato and yams.

Americanisms.......I must insist it's a 'pavement' and moving stairs are 'escalators', other than that, I must watch too much american T.V. But I must also admit to being an evil Londoner by making Americans try to pronounce various place names before I'll tell them where they are! Oh come on,tell me it's not funny to make them say Ly-ses-toor ( Leicester - pronounced "lester") over and over again?

TTFN M'Lady P.

"Fag" originally meant servant in a very derogatory way. Because of its use in public schools ( in England ) it became an alternative word for homosexuals.