The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46202   Message #684607
Posted By: wysiwyg
06-Apr-02 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: Love Storytelling?
Subject: Love Storytelling?
Came across this today while looking for something else:

Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana - Online Resources

Included are links to:

From the Swapping Stories Web Site

Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana (on LPB server)

About the Video Program

Why are Folktales Important?

Storytelling Glossary

A Storyteller's Perspective by Bertney Langley, Koasati Storyteller

Excerpts from the Book

Louisiana's Traditional Cultures: An Overview, by Maida Owens

Louisiana's Traditional Cultures (printer-friendly), by Maida Owens

Louisiana's Folktale Traditions, by Carl Lindahl

Louisiana's Folktale Traditions (Outline)

Swapping Stories Index of Motifs

About the Transcriptions

Bel Abbey Introduction from Swapping Stories

Swapping Stories Isleño Notes

The Stories

The Alligator Peach Tree, Pierre Daigle

Another Big Fish Story, by Lonnie Gray

The Arcadia Dating Game, by Harold Talbert

Bel's Encounter with a Wise Owl, by Bel Abbey

Ben Lilly, Strong Man of Morehouse Parish, by James B. Rider

Bouki and Lapin in the Garden, by Max Greig

Bouki, Lapin et Rat de Bois (Bouki, Lapin and Possum) by Enola Matthews

From the LPB site

From The Educator's Guide on this website

Brer Rabbit and the Tarbaby, by Dolores Henderson

Bull Talk, by Governor Jimmie H. Davis

A Chitimacha Flood Story, by Nicholas L. Stouff

Does He Drive, Too?, by A.J. Smith

From the LPB site (video)

From The Educator's Guide on this website

Elvis Comes to Angie, by Mary Etta Scarborough Moody

An Extra Passenger on the Bus, by Harold Talbert

The First Meeting of the Indians and the Europeans (version 1), by Bel Abbey

First Meeting of the Indians and Europeans (version 2), by Bel Abbey

God Works in Mysterious Ways, by Harry Methvin

How the Bat Got Its Wings, by Bertney Langley

How the Koasati Got Their Name, by Bertney Langley

The Husband's Return, by Irvan Perez

I'm Going to Leave You, Chère, by Harry Lee Leger (video)

It Was So Cold, by Lonnie Gray

It Was So Hot, Lonnie Gray

Jean Sot, la vache, les chiens et sa petite soeur (Jean Sot, the Cow, the Dogs, and Little Sister), by Enola Matthews

Learning from the Bear, by Bel Abbey

Leaving Mississippi, by Robert Albritton (video)

The Legend of the Brooch, by Wendell Lindsay

The Life of a Crab Fisherman, by Irvan Perez

Life Saving Sirens, by Loulan Pitre

The Little Tar Man, by Wilson "Ben Guiné" Mitchell

Loup Garou as Shadow Companion, by Glen Pitre (video)

Mosquitoes Save a Life, by Harry Methvin

From The Educator's Guide on this website

From the LPB site

On Top of Old Smoky, by Harry Methvin

An Oyster-culling Loup Garou, by Loulan Pitre (video)

Paying the Price for a Free Train Ride, by Harold Talbert

The Politician Gets His (two versions), by Hubert L. "Anatoo" Clement, Sr.

The Reverend Gets the Possum, by Sarah Albritton (audio)

Setecientos setentaisiete (Seventeen Seventy-Seven), by Irvan Perez

The Shadow Companion, by Loulan Pitre (video)

She Has the Key, by Sarah Albritton (audio)

Shine and the Titanic, by Arthur "Arthuro" Pfister

Swapping Stories, by Dave Petitjean and A. J. Smith (video)

A Tale About a Catfish, by Sarah Kent

Les trois couillon (The Three Fools), by Enola Matthews

Les trois Jobs (The Three Jobs), by Enola Matthews

The Turtle and the Rabbit Run a Race, by Bel Abbey

Walking on Water, by Governor Jimmie H. Davis

The Widow's Buried Gold, by Pierre Daigle

Wrestling Mania, by Harold Talbert

Why the Frog Croaks, by Tang Thi Thanh Van

You Think I'm Working, But I'm Not, by Robert Albritton (video)


Those are transcribed stories, not sound files, but WOW!
