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Thread #46114   Message #684688
Posted By: CarolC
06-Apr-02 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Here's a small example of the sort of thing I'm talking about. It's small, but it took my breath away with its duplicity...

The Palestinians have been begging for some time for help from the international community to get the process of diplomacy started again, and to help them get back to the negotiation table. I haven't heard any indications from the Israeli government that they particularly want the international community to get involved. In fact I did hear Mr. Sharon say that he would rather the international community didn't get involved, that he felt the Israelis should handle things themeselves.

So Pres. Bush announced that Colin Powel would go over there to help, and the Palestinians indicated their relief about this. Just a little while ago I heard that Mr. Bush is saying that if the Israelis don't start pulling out of the occupied areas, Colin Powel's trip there might be in question.

So who does this hurt? Not the Israelis, certainly. It only hurts the Palestinians. So while Bush is giving the appearance of being even-handed with both sides, what he has actually just done, is to give the Israeli government incentive to do exactly the opposite of pulling out of the occupied areas. Why should they give a shit if Powell goes there or not? They've got everything they want already. The only people who will be hurt if Powell doesn't go are the Palestinians. And yet, according to what Bush said today, Powell's trip is not dependent in any way on anything the Palestinians do or don't do, but on what the Israelis do or don't do. In essence, Bush is going to punish the Palestinians if the Israelis don't do what Bush told the Israelis to do.

I'll not be convinced of the sincerity of either the Israeli government or the US government unless they send George Mitchell in there to help.