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Thread #46114   Message #684769
Posted By: Celtic Soul
06-Apr-02 - 10:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
The thing is this: If you want to listen to CNN, you'll get their spin. If you read the NY Times, you'll get their spin. And if you watch the nightly news, you'll get theirs. Much of the time, the people reporting are not much more than talking heads without any real knowledge of the background/history/culture of the thing they are reporting about.

I listen to NPR, I listen to WTOP (a local news only station), I read the Washington Post, I listen to Zoe Hironomous (and you can't get much more liberal than that) when I can get a chance to tune her in. And yes, I listen to WAVA.

I don't buy hook line and sinker everything I hear from any of these sources, but I do start to pay attention when a person has better credentials than merely being a reporter or a talking head.

Don Kroh may be a conservative, but that does not mean that everyone he has on the show is completely biased, or has no idea what they are talking about. They will, of course, support the views of the host (he has a bias, as does Tom Brokaw, as does Ted Kopple), but that is not to say the guests will all be completely wrong, all of the time. You would not know this from merely having visited the website. You'd have to listen to find out. FYI, I have phoned in and passionately argued with their hosts when I have been listening and thought them or a guest wrong. I called in to vehemently argue that women in the military should be allowed to fight on the front lines if that is their desire. If a woman is of the age of majority, why is our government telling them they cannot? If they want to end gender norming, that's fine...there are still women out there who will pass the physical tests as well or better than some of the men. The host had to acknowledge that I had a point.

If you want unbiased news reporting, you're going to have to go to Pluto for it. It doesn't exist here. So, why is the bias of one source any better or any worse than any other?

I am not a conservative. Obviously, I am not a liberal either. I choose to listen to sources from all over and pick apart what seems to make better sense from what does not.

And lastly: Why is it necessary to resort to sarcasm and insults? It is exactly that sort of thing that has landed humanity in conflicts like the one happening over in the middle east right now. Can we not have civil and respectful dialogue even if our opinions differ greatly?