The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46060   Message #684806
Posted By: Art Thieme
07-Apr-02 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: Musical Career Regrets?
Subject: RE: Musical Career Regrets?
You guys are pretty amazing. I'm blown away by Chris' and Jerry's posts. Don Firth, what a vivid picture you paint! This is an "incandescent" discourse --- as Gamble Rogers used to say. I'm gonna save it on a floppy and the hard drive for sure. No pun intended, but these posts are all variations on a th-i-eme. ;-) For me, the fascinating part is in the details of how we all did it---managed, somehow, to actually pull it off!!. As Joseph Campbell said when discussing his criteria for the authentic grail quest:

"We could be influenced by mentors who, roughly showed us the basics, but each adventure had to be on a totally new path, one where there were no other footprints or hoof marks to follow."

And the grail, itself, was never actually viewed by the knights. It was vague and paraded before them covered by red or white samite. So they each had their own idea of what it was (maybe)and where they might find it. Just look at Mudcat and how we argue (probably stupidly) about "what is folk music". What better illustration that we've all done it the right way-----and that there is no RIGHT way to do it !!

I VOW as of this moment, I'll never argue about what folk music is again !!!!


Art Thieme