The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10160   Message #68484
Posted By: The_one_and_only_Dai
06-Apr-99 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: The Key to the North
Subject: The Key to the North
- A Tale of Newark in the Civil War -

In 1988 (I think), The Albion Band performed a set at Lincoln Castle (I think) as a one off (I think). This was titled as above. The performance was held in front of the castle walls, onto which was projected a movie.

This movie was available on video at the concert. I've never seen the actual tape, but a friend of mine had a bootleg copy (boo! hiss!) from somewhere, which is how I came to know about it.

A couple of years ago, I was at an Albions concert in High Wycombe, and asked Mr. Hutchings where I could get a copy. His reply was that if ever I found one, could I tape it for him, as somebody had walked off with his.

So, was anybody there? Will anybody sell me a copy of the tape?

P.S. for our Colonial brethren - Newark in Nottinghamshire, and Civil War as in English

TIA, Dai