The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46114   Message #684842
Posted By: Troll
07-Apr-02 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
CS, they resort to sarcasm and insult because it is easier than doing research to find evidence with which to refute your arguments.
The Palestinians had nearly 100% of what they said they wanted with the Oslo Accords and Arafat walked away from it. The palestinians are not interested in their own state. Their goal- which they have repeated time and again- is the complete and total destruction of the state of Israel and the expulsion and/or death of the Jews who now live there.
This doctrine was again put forth by one of the leaders of Hamas just this week with the added filip that the US has plenty of empty space where the Jews could go. It also seems that Hamas and Fatah are becoming allies again.
CarolC, the idea that the Palestinians use suicide bombers out of frustration because they have no other weapons is naive in the extreme. They use them because they are an extremely effective weapon of terror. The objective of the terrorist is to de-stabilize the government by showing the people that the government cannot stop the terrorist attacks. It is fairly low in capital expense and the number of soldiers killed is relatively low in relation to the damage they do to the enemy.
The Arab States are quite willing to let the Palestinians blow themselves up because they know that if they mobilize to help them, their own cities will be destroyed- probably with nukes- by the Israelis. Sadam, for all his bluster, will not send his troops over the the Syrian border bceause he knows what will happen if he does.
The Israelis WILL use nukes if their backs are to the wall. They remember how their people were slaughtered in the Holocaust without a fight and they are determined that that will never happen again.
