The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46114   Message #685131
Posted By: Celtic Soul
07-Apr-02 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Thanks LEJ, and yes, I am listening...

I find it tremendously interesting that GUEST somehow thinks he/she knows me so well from one opinion, and seems to think he/she knows every source from whence said single opinion originates.

For the record: I am currently a Christian, and am living with (as in, not married to) a Pagan man. My fiance finds it terribly amusing that I have been dubbed a right wing extremist and a religious fanatic. I am pro-choice and have participated in many pro-choice marches in DC though I am against late term abortion. I have participated in many gay rights marches in DC. I am a feminist, and believe women should have the right to participate in front line efforts during war if that is their desire. I voted for: Carter, Dukakis, Perot, and Nader. I was just down in Silver Spring visiting with one of my sisters and her family. Her Husband is staunchly fundamentalist Christian, and very conservative. Bemusedly, I mentioned this thread. His response was "You??? Conservative?!? We wouldn't have you! You're a bleeding heart liberal".

As I see it, it's a little like living in the Mid- Atlantic states here in the US. If I travel to New England, I am told I am a "Southerner". When I travel to the South, I am told I am a "Yankee".

Politically, I am just as in the middle...a moderate. GUEST, you see an "American right wing armchair fanatic from the lunatic religious fringe" likely as your own beliefs are far left. As I said though, they wouldn't have me with my pro-choice, Pro gay rights, pro full rights for women in the military beliefs. You would also not know that I have called in to the very same religious radio station arguing passionately these very subjects with their hosts. When I think they're wrong, I tell them.

If you want to know *why* I believe what I believe, just ask. We all know the cliche about what happens when we "assume".

You can be done with it (me) if you like, GUEST, that is your choice. I will be done here when I am done. In the meantime, I am here to listen to the rational posters, and to post my own thoughts. Much as you may not think this so, I am open to hearing others points of view, thoughts, and proofs, and I am willing to change my point of view if the facts warrant it. So far, I have seen a great deal of quoting reporters. It is naive to think that *anyone* here on Mother earth is truly completely objective, even the reporters you think are dishing up the real deal.

Lastly, GUEST said: "The issues being discussed here are very serious. You aren't".

Do you honestly think that conversing in this musical forum about the Middle East is that serious? Things said and done here are not going to make or break the Middle East situation. A little *civil* discourse here, however, can amount to quite a lot in the knowledge and experience of those who read (myself included).

Again, if you would win anyone to your POV, insulting them is probably not the best way to begin.