The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40347   Message #685184
Posted By: GUEST,Ely
07-Apr-02 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Naming of Cats
Subject: RE: BS: The Naming of Cats
My dear old calico's name was Razz, for no good reason (my brother was four when he named her, after my mother wouldn't let him call her "Chewbacca"). My longhaired orange-and-white was Battlecat (from "He-Man"--I was six when I got him).

My uncle had Zogo, which supposedly means "dog" in Thai.

I work for a veterinarian and we have a couple of fat orange tabbies in residence named Willie [Nelson] and Waylon [Jennings].

My grandmother had Abigail (an Abyssinian, of course) and Dunbar (as in Paul Lawrence).

I've also known Squirrel Boy (long, fluffy tail), Cry Baby (very vocal), Ringo (tabby with black stripes), and several dozen black-and-whites named either Oreo or Tux.