The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46226   Message #685454
Posted By: GUEST,Spectator
08-Apr-02 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Attacks on Synagogues? Must they stop?
Subject: RE: ATTACKS ON SYNAGOGUES? Must they stop?
To the first guest with no name:

The implication of your response is that firebombing of synagogues around the world is justified as long as Israel occupies Palestinian territory.

The demands in the previous Mudcat thread about violence against Arab-Americans explicitly, and quite rightly, rejected linkage to the actions of the Arab terrorists who perpetrated 9/11. Your response, on the other hand, holds Jews in Saskatchewan and France responsible for the actions of the Israeli goveernment. You are saying that it is Jews the world over who are responsible for the occupation. Your statement reeks of anti-Semitism.

To the second guest with no name:

Your statement is blatant anti-Semitism.

Givem the outrage that so much injustice in the world generates at Mudcat, I must say that the silence of Mudcatters on this issue is quite surprising.

I as again, attacks on synagogues? Must they stop too?