The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46226   Message #685464
Posted By: PeteBoom
08-Apr-02 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: Attacks on Synagogues? Must they stop?
Subject: RE: ATTACKS ON SYNAGOGUES? Must they stop?
Or is it simply that the media (in the States at least) make less of the attacks on synagogues than they did on the attacks on mosques? It is hard to generate outrage when folks don't know about actions or activities that are happening. Not that this is an excuse for people rallying round, simply an observation.

Then again, maybe I'm part of the great conspiracy as well. I have this thing about not holding one person accountable for the actions of another, particularly when there is no relationship between the two people. Thus, I find people who commit acts of violence against Muslims because of the actions of OTHER Muslims as deplorable as people who commit acts of violence against Jews because of the acts of other Jews - Never mind that these folks are not even in the same COUNTRY, simply their ethno-religious basis is the same.

The above nameless guests will no doubt label me as a Zionist. And the Zionists will label me an anti-Semite. Maybe then we'll discuss what a Semite IS...

There. I've said my bit in this thread.
