The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46226   Message #685522
Posted By: Lepus Rex
08-Apr-02 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Attacks on Synagogues? Must they stop?
Subject: RE: ATTACKS ON SYNAGOGUES? Must they stop?
First of all, I didn't say that all of the synagogue arsons were in France. And when was this firebombing in Brooklyn? I haven't heard about it, and none of the major or minor news sites seem to have, either.

And a lot of that anti-semitic grafitti you mentioned would've happened anyway. It's a shitty, redneck country, you know.

Anyways, my main point wasn't "It's happening in France, so who gives a fuck." It was "Why didn't YOU start the 'synogogue attacks' thread instead of this whiney-ass finger-wagging thread?"

---Lepus Rex