The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46260   Message #686359
Posted By: SharonA
09-Apr-02 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: What price friendship?
Subject: RE: BS: What price friendship?
Translation: "At least on some level, what X said to Y is true. It's true for X, at any rate." Is that accurate, Tiree?

Without more specifics I can only speculate, but perhaps X considers this true thing to be part of the "issue of friendship" for her friendship with Y. Even so, betraying a confidence that you have shared with X, trusting that X would keep it to herself, is quite serious. If X was uncomfortable keeping your secret, for whatever reason, she should have told you that before leaking it.

Oddly enough, over the last several months, I have been the "Y" party in a similar situation, where my friend the "X" party (not a friend of such long standing as your X) gave me several warnings about the party-with-secrets (let's call him "Z"), in whom I had a budding romantic interest. In my case, I took my "X" 's words under consideration but didn't mention them to "Z", and I didn't steer clear of "Z" until he had said and done some things on his own that caused me to think that any kind of relationship with such a person was not a good idea. My friend "X", being unaware of this, called me later and said, basically, "Forget what I said about 'Z'; it may not be true anymore; why don't you give him another chance?" By then, of course, I already had, and "Z" had already blown that chance! One of these days I'll have to talk to both my "X" and "Z" about it, but right now I'm still feeling that "grasp warmly about the throat" feeling toward both of them!