The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10161   Message #68704
Posted By: LEJ
07-Apr-99 - 01:25 AM
Thread Name: Think Not What Your Mudcat Can Do For You etc
Subject: RE: Think Not What Your Mudcat Can Do For You etc
Just a short congratulatory note to Catspaw. It seems you have become the official BadBoy of the Mudcat(NOI). I hereby declare you the winner of the Art Theime Condom Award for mudcateer most likely to go Over the Top! I have to admit you have kept most of us off-balance with the constant shifts from humorous to profound to obscene to poetic and back to humorous. And I'm talking about in the same post!Every good community needs a red-headed Holy Fool philosophizing Possum Shaman, and By God (NOI) its you, Cats!...with a mixture of fear and admiration, LEJ