The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46361   Message #687413
Posted By: Joe Offer
10-Apr-02 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Oleanna (Ditmar Meidel, Norway, 1853)
Subject: ADD Version: Oleanna
The version in the Digital Tradition is here (click). the version below is quite similar.


Oh, to be in Oleanna! That's where I'd like to be,
Than be bound in Norway, and drag the chains of slavery.

Ole, Ole, anna; Ole, Ole anna
Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole;
Ole, Ole anna

In Oleanna land is free; the wheat and corn just plant themselves.
Then grow a good four feet a day, while on your bed you rest yourself.

Beer as sweet as Muenchener springs from the ground and flows away.
The cows all like to milk themselves and hens lay eggs three times a day.

Little roasted piggies rush about the city streets,
Inquiring so politely if a slice of ham you'd like to eat.

Say, if you'd begin to live, to Oleanna you must go;
The poorest wretch in Norway becomes a duke in a year or so.

Oh, to be in Oleanna! That's where I'd like to be,
Than be bound in Norway, and drag the chains of slavery.

Source: Collected Reprints from Sing Out! (pink book)
English lyrics by Pete Seeger

Based on a traditional Norwegian song
(Pete Seeger says it was written in 1853 by Ditmar Meidel)
TRO ~ 1958 (renewed) Ludlow Music, Inc., New York, NY. International Copyright Secured
Made in USA. All Rights Reserved including Public Performance for Profit.