The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46371   Message #687618
Posted By: katlaughing
10-Apr-02 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Waaaah! I need to rant!
Subject: RE: BS: Waaaah! I need to rant!

I'd like your new addy, too, sirepsehdarlin', if you don't mind PMing it to me.

I agree with Alice, the CD can wait. Top priority is finding a good job with some kind of health bennies. How large is the town you are in? Is there good opportunity there?

We have a couple of dentists here who will take very small payments, as little as $5-10 per month for work on people who are on a ltd. income. Maybe you could call around and find one there who would be as kind and understanding. OR, you might be able to trade-out/barter some clerical work or something in exchange for dental work.

Try to drink some Ensure or something like that every day, so that you get your nutrients and it will be easy on your teeth and gums. It might help to rinse with hydrogen peroxide to keep the bacteria down in your mouth and to help with the bleeding. It is very important to get this checked as problems with bleeding in the mouth can lead to far more serious complications if left untreated. It would be good if you had some antibiotics or at least some garlic which you could roast and soften to eat, as it has natural antibiotics in it.

If you are not sure about your references, it is a good idea to contact them and ask if there is a problem or ask them if there is anything you can do to assist them in answering queries about your abilities. Also, call back the places where you think you had good interviews, or go see them and ask them for pointers in how your interview went, from their perspective, and ask for tips on how to do a better job on the next one. This will not only give you something constructive to focus on and maybe help get you the next job, but it will also show them that they might need to rethink not hiring you as you will be showing initiative and a willingness to learn.

Are the volunteer jobs listed on your resume? Are they jobs which could turn into paying jobs?

Also, you don't have to take credit cards. You can set up a store on eBay and use their pay services. THAT should take a back burner, though, imo, to getting your job and health status improved.

If welfare is not an option, and I do understand, is there a foodstamp program for which you might qualify? Are there food banks which you can go to for staples, etc? Also, they may have some ideas on help with your rent and utilities to tide you over. Is the EX-boyfriend kind about helping or would he hold it over you, feed into negative feelings about yourself, etc?

You have much to offer and a lot of talent with plenty of time. Making a list can be helpful. But most of all remember that we are here and you are part of this community and we care about you and will do what we can to help.
