The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46353   Message #687746
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
11-Apr-02 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: No conflict between NOMAD & Getaway
Subject: RE: BS: No conflict between NOMAD & Getaway
Hi, DonD: (not Dondi? for a little cartoon trivia..)

As an old-timer of maybe three months, I'd just encourage you to take your time figuring out where people or places are, and if you want to know right away, do what you're doin'... just ask. Here I thought that the St. Albans Folk Festival was in St. Albans, Queens, where my brother-in-law lives, and when I checked it out, it's in Australia. I can get down to St. Albans from Derby, CT in an hour and a half. Asutralia's a little longer drive.

What you'll probably find, as I have, is that certain names keep appearing in the threads you're leaving comments in, and you start to find people with similar interests or attitudes. Just PM them, and you're sure to get a friendly response back. That's how I got to know Coyote Breath, Bobert, McGrath (who is impossible NOT to get to know... thank you, Kevin) CFlat, InOBU and Socorro. Same with NortonL, Sinsul,Dani and a whole slew of others. It's like stepping in to any new group. Mudcatters are definitely NOT excluding. My wife and I started to go to asmall church here, since we moved up to the valley, and even though everyone is very outgoing and friendly, we're just getting to know people, one at a time. We know where they live, and we're starting to put name to faces, but that doesn't mean that we know them yet.

And of course, the reverse holds true. Where do you live? I'm slowly learning where Mudcatters live so that if I'm traveling or performing in their neck of the woods I can let them know, and maybe cross paths. I'll be coming down to Washington, D.C. with my black gospel quartet on June 15 and look forward to meeting some Catters when I'm down there.

Welcome to Mudcat!!! There's always room for more!!
