The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46359   Message #687761
Posted By: GUEST,T-boy
11-Apr-02 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: Do age & sex make a difference?
Subject: RE: Do age & sex make a difference?
Language changes very rapidly, and so does the way people speak. You can get left behind. I can't stand the way young people talk, and I'm only 53. I find I can't listen to some of the young singers like Bill Jones, Kate Rusby, Cara Dillon etc. - they just sound like silly little half-formed schoolgirls and I just can't wait for them to start sounding like people. But I realise that to others they sound perfectly normal. ... As for Iris Dement, if I'm listening by myself e.g. in the car, I think she's got the most attractive voice in the world, but if I'm with others they all laugh and so do I.