The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46389   Message #688445
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
12-Apr-02 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: Classic Steve Martin Banjo Routine
Subject: RE: BS: Classic Steve Martin Banjo Routine
Well - that brought a smile to my beak!!!!
Something we are greatly lacking in the UK is a decent variety show on the telly. I wish we had a live programme at a sensible time of day, where respected performers actually DID something. All we ever seem to see these days is somebody plugging their latest book/film/record/divorce.... interspersed by some crap pop group miming to their latest chart single.
All the current generation of TV presenters just think we are there to watch them acting the prat and taKING THE PISS OUT OF (WHOOPS cAPSLOCK ALERT) anything sensible. If there is ever anything worth possibly watching, it is either when people are out a work, orat some stupid time in the small hours when we need to sleep.
It isn't often that I envy Americans, but I do wish that someone would let US watch Steve Martin being talented!