The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46399   Message #689939
Posted By: Banjer
14-Apr-02 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: A Mudcatter's Thank You - Part III
Subject: RE: A Mudcatter's Thank You - Part III
Just returned from the Bluegrass Festival. It wsan't as good this year as in years past. Only two of the bands were a true bluegrass sound. One of the others was the 97 Regimental String band, a group I know from reenacting that plays Civil War music and for the 5th year in a row wouldn't play Hard Times by S C Foster for me. I told them that I would never bother them with any request again, and when I came home I played it for myself on the banjo...Don't need them, just like their version of it. The other band that casued me to cringe was a group of unkown origin with not a single acoustic instrument among them, they had a bass guitar, a solid body electric guitar, and a solid body fiddle. They played some stuff that I would expect to hear in a sleazy bar along the back side of the docks. Fortunately there is a bike trail that runs right next to the park and the grandson and I went biking for the duration of their set!! (Pedaled ten and a half miles we did) He really enjoyed the true bluegrass music we heard and I was so tickled to learn that he likes it!! There is hope for the new generation after all. I will do everything in my power to expose him to as much old time and original bluegrass as I can!!

End of thread drift, returning control back to Night Owl!!