The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31454   Message #690683
Posted By: Kim C
15-Apr-02 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Subject: RE: BS: PMS Horror Stories
I haven't noticed that I get headaches any more/less around That Time. Most of mine are sinus-related.

On the subject of food.... we try to eat as little processed food as possible. The downside - it's expensive. Trying to get organic or hormone/antibiotic-free anything is even MORE so, at least here in Tennessee. We used to garden, but have no time for that anymore. But we do what we can.

Yes, the chocolate orange that you whack on the table! I love them. I am not a big candy-eater, as a rule (I prefer ice cream), and having the chocolate in little slice-size pieces is great. One piece, maybe two tops, and I'm happy.

Before I went on the Pill, umpteen years ago, things were a LOT worse. It's only been since I passed 30 that a few other things have changed, namely the mood swings. 'Course, that may not be just because of hormones....... ;-)