The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46361   Message #690891
Posted By: GUEST,, NOMADman
15-Apr-02 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Oleanna (Ditmar Meidel, Norway, 1853)
Subject: ADD Version: OLEANNA (Gateway Singers)
Here are the Gateway Singers' lyrics, transcribed directly from their lp, The Gateway Singers at the Hungry i, which was released, it appears, in the mid-'50's on Decca. It's monaural (remember that?) and has no copyright date.


Ole Ole Anna, Ole Ole Anna
Ole Ole Ole Ole Ole Oleanna

Oh to be in Oleanna, that's where I'd like to be
Than be bound in Norway to drag the chains of slavery


In Oleanna land is free; wheat and corn just plant themselves
Grow a good four feet a day while on your back you rest yourselves


Little roasted piggies run around the city streets
Inquiring so politely if a slice of ham you'd like to eat


When life is rough and things get tough, you need a place to go
The violinist Ole Bull, he knew that this was so
Tahiti and Bikini aren't what they used to be
So if you want an easy life, why come right along with me

Dresses all are beautiful, never have to pay the bills
Married life is just a dream; single life is better still

Ole was a nice old guy who got to wealth and fame
But couldn't be contented unless others were the same
He built a place called Oleanna, model colony
And while it never made the grade it was a fine idee

Never have to wash the clothes, or even sew a button
When you cook a mulligan stew it comes out leg of mutton

The personnel listed on the album jacket are Elmerlee Thomas (yes, that's Elmerlee), Jerry Walter, Travis Edmonson and Ernie Sheldon. Later in the notes it mentions that "Since this album was cut, Lou Gottlieb, the Singers' bass player, has returned to the University of California to complete his PhD in Musicology and has been replaced by Ernie Sheldon, whose picture appears on this record jacket." That's kind of an interesting way of dealing with the personnel change. It is very clearly Lou Gottlieb's voice on the recording.
