The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46450   Message #691047
Posted By: Jon Bartlett
16-Apr-02 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: Singing from books: Why?
Subject: RE: Singing from books: Why?
Re: "I can't sing". I've never actually believed anyone who said that. If you *can't* sing, then your speaking voice will be a monotone, and how many folk have voices like that?

Then it occurred to me that when I say (as I often do) "I can't dance", I probably mean the same thing. To use modern jargon, "I've got dance issues". And some folk have "sing" issues - we've all heard the stories, or mebbe told them, of music teachers saying, "You just mouth the words". Might this be true of memory too? If people say, "I've got a terrible memory", might they mean "I don't like to remember" (or....) rather than "my mind just doesn't remember things?".

Can I ask something of some folk here with "bad" memories. Try to sing in your head the words of a song, one you've heard a million times (Beatles?), and then write the words down, not all in one go mebbe, but just fill them in over the course of a day: do you think you'd get the whole song? And if you could (as I think you might), what does that mean about memory? My 2c.