The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46586   Message #691486
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
16-Apr-02 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lowest of the Low
Subject: RE: BS: Lowest of the Low
My Niece, Lindsey, and her fiance, Al, were on their way home from the pub one night when set upon by a gang of about 8 or 9 drunken yobs. Unbeknown to the Yobs, of course, Lindsey teaches Thai boxing and has represented the UK and Al is a Tai Kwan Do instructor. Two broken arms, a smashed shin and a lots of pant soiling later the remaineder of the Yobs ran off.

The really sick thing is that Lindsey and Al had to spend the night in a Police cell before one of the more sensible policemen realised that they were the ones who had been attacked!

Until we realise that the scum out there who attack innocent and defencless people really do not warrant any sympathy whatsoever this type of thing will keep on happening. I propose that we give 45 magnums to anyone over 65, infirm or unable to defend themselves in any other way. And turn a blind eye to how they use them...

Not that I'm radical or anything. Just that my 80 year old father, who has a heart problem and a very sick wife had his flat broken into a few weeks ago and the pond-life who broke in made off with my step-mums handbag containing their weeks housekeeping.

I'm not sure what the answer is but castration is too good and death is too quick...


Dave the, usualy moderate but theis makes my blood boil, Gnome