The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1886   Message #6920
Posted By: Dale Rose
16-Jun-97 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: Musician Humor?
Subject: RE: Musician Humor?
Well, you folks have finally wandered into my territory. As one who enjoys music immensely, but does not play, one of my outlets is writing or adapting banjo jokes for my favorite string band. Here are a few, mostly original.

What do you get when you cross a banjo with a sports car? You do get a hard driving banjo, but you also get a car that won't start without a complete tuneup everytime!

My favorite banjo player went trick or treating last Halloween. She used her imagination to its fullest extent, dressing up as a banjo player. At the first house, they asked her to tune it up perfectly and play for them before they would give her a treat. She said, that was alright, she didn't want any candy anyway.

Do you know how to get a banjo player to tune up REALLY fast? Easy~~just start without her!

Did you hear about the rock band that added a banjo to its music? They discovered that it was a lot more fun smashing banjos than guitars!

Somebody asked me the other day where I got all these banjo jokes. I told them it was quite easy--just watch any banjo player for five minutes or so, and you've got enough material for several days.

OK, I'll shut up, I know that more than two banjo jokes in a row is cruel and unusual punishment.