The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46621   Message #692125
Posted By: SharonA
17-Apr-02 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: Speak Polish? Please translate song!
Subject: Speak Polish? Please translate song!
In another thread on this Forum, we're discussing a sea shanty in its various versions ("Santy Anna" also known as "The Plains of Mexico"), and we've come across one set of lyrics that's on a web page in Polish. Can anyone out there translate these lyrics into English?

Here's the Mudcat discussion thread (click on the blue link): Lyr Req: Heave Away Santiana / Aweigh Santy Ano

And here are the verses in Polish:

I'll also paste the lyrics below (and I'll hope that all the accents show up in the thread!):

Heave away Santiana

s?. H.Czeka?a

Ej p?yn´my z pra?dem rzeki tam gdzie Liverpool
-Heave away Santiana
Dooko?a Hornu przez Frisco Bay
-Tam gdzie strome zbocza Mexico

Wie?c heave away i w góre?, w dó?
Nie minie rok powrócimy znów

Ten kliper dla za?ogi zawsze piek?em by?
Z?elazny Jankes dowodzi? nim

Po z?oto Kaliforni cia?gle gna? nas wiatr
Bo puste ?adownie wype?niac´ trza nam

A by? to dla nas wszystkich stary dobry czas
W 49-Tym za m?odych lat

I Zachariasz Taylor tam góra? by?
Gdy wygra? bój pod MonteRey

I szybko zwiewa? Santy kiedy pomóg? Scott
Jak Bonaparte pod Waterloo

I dla mnie kiedys´ nasta? dobry dzien´
Gdy Sally Brown pokocha?a mnie


We surely would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks!