The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46586   Message #692944
Posted By: Don Firth
18-Apr-02 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lowest of the Low
Subject: RE: BS: Lowest of the Low
Steven and GUEST, I'm not quite sure what you're saying here, but if it's in reference to the lady with the brick, two things:—

1) My friend went back to the location of the attempted purse-snatching within about fifteen minutes and the punk was gone. If he'd been dead or seriously injured, there would have been cops all over the place. It was at about 17th and Madison in Seattle, and although it's not like downtown, it's a fairly well-traveled area and in fifteen minutes, someone would have found him and called for help. Chances are he wandered off with a helluva headache, a substantial bruise, and something to think about.

2) Some years ago, an eighty+-year-old woman who lived in the same apartment building that I live in was mugged at the door into the building. The mugger knocked her down and she broke a hip. About a month later, she died in the hospital. Mrs. Mahalis was a very nice lady, and up to that point she had been in fairly good health. Whoever knocked her down and grabbed her purse is a murderer.

I'm as socially conscious and concerned as anyone, BUT—an unfortunate up-bringing is no damned excuse. Punks who attack little old ladies for the meager contents of their purses are scum.

Don Firth