The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46654   Message #693011
Posted By: Alice
18-Apr-02 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: homeopathic remedies for eczema?
Subject: RE: BS: homeopathic remedies for eczema?
Aloe vera leaves - open and apply the gel inside the stem to the skin. REDUCE STRESS - anything she can do to help keep anxiety down, lots of sleep, good food, laughter, friends, relaxation between studying.

Regarding the term Homeopathy. There are no molecules of the ingredients left in the sugar pills that are homeopathic treatments, they are so diluted - it's a concept that has been thoroughly debunked as a fraud, although the methods are still being promoted and people now confuse the term homeopathic with home remedies or herbal treatments. They are not the same. See this explanation.National Council Against Health Fraud

Scroll down the page to read about the origins and history of "homeopathy".

quote in part.. "Remedies are diluted to powers of ten and labeled with combinations of Arabic and Roman numerals (e.g., 3X= 1/1000, 4X= 1/10,000, 3C or 6X= 1/1,000,000, etc.). The fact that 19th-Century homeopathic remedies were dilute placebos made them preferable to the harsh concoctions being applied by the humoral practitioners.

According to the laws of chemistry, there is a limit to the dilution that can be made without losing the original substance altogether. This limit, called Avogadro's number (6.023 x 10-23) corresponds to homeopathic potencies of 12C or 24X (1 part in 1024). At this dilution there is less than a 50% chance that even one molecule of active material remains. Hahnemann himself realized that there was virtually no chance that any of the original substance remained at such high dilution, but explained it away in metaphysical terms. In addition to being contradicted by common sense, homeopathy's Law of Infinitesimals is invalidated by pharmaceutical dose-response studies."