The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10188   Message #69378
Posted By: Ritchie
09-Apr-99 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: Colloquialisms- Post & Define 'Em! Fun!
Subject: RE: Colloquialisms- Post & Define 'Em! Fun!
My eldest son has just come in and said he'd just heard someone use the phrase " Like a dog at broth " he loved it but was n't sure what it meant. We've used that phrase for years. I'll have to give wee Archie our westie some broth to show him.

Just wait till the young un comes in and asks what a knee trembler is .....

Steve, a while ago I was in a pub in Islington ( I think it was the Kings Head ) where the landlord still had the prices in 'old money' except they were the current bar prices not pre-decimal so a pint of Guiness was £2.4s.8d . The effect was that you could n't check your change & you were amazed at how much prices had gone up.

When we go to any fish & chip shop in Gateshead ,where I live ,I insist on asking for a paper when I want fish & chips.I know in other area's they ask for different things we also ask for chips with some batter.
