The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46792   Message #695027
Posted By: toadfrog
21-Apr-02 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: My Mother's Last Goodbye
This looks like just another sappy song. It isn't; as McDermott sings it (on one of those Topic disks recorded in the early '60's) it is a very powerful song. Available on CD - I don't have a copy and thus cannot give the name and number. The tune, or a close approximation, which I could not improve on, is given as CABINBOY on this site.



Sung by James McDermot

When I was but a youngster lad I thought I'd like to roam.
Like manys [sic] another foolish lad I had no thought of home.
Like kind old friends around me thought far too much of me,
So I left my dear old homestead and I went away to sea
My father as I parted says My lad, where're you roam
May no false pride let you forget the loving ones at home
My mother she could hardly speak, but e'er I went away
She threw her arms around my neck, and this to me did say:

"Ah, may God go with you, Charlie lad, wherever you may roam
"Let no false pride make you forget the loving ones at home.
"Goodbye, God bless you, darling son," so sadly she did cry.
Whilst I have life, I'll not forget my mother's last goodbye.

I packed my bundle on my back, and I sailed for home once more,
And as the big ship bored [sic] me o'er across the sparklin' foam,
I thought of every day and hour that brought me near their home.
I landed, but alas! too late. My parents they were dead.
My gold it had no joys for me, for all its joys were fled.
For I long to see the old ones in that bright land far away,
and ofttimes in my dreams I hear my good old mother say:

"Ah, may God go with you, Charlie lad, wherever you may roam.
"Let no false pride make you forget the loving ones at home.
"Goodbye, God bless you, darling son," so sadly she did cry.
Whilst I have life, I'll not forget my mother's last goodbye.