The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10227   Message #69506
Posted By: Max
09-Apr-99 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: Max's Experiment Tonight
Subject: Max's Experiment Tonight
Hi all. Gonna try an experiment tonight. Gonna try to broadcast live through a phone line.

My friends and I get together once in a while and overindulge in jockularity and spirits and get a little musically crazy. Tonight I thought that I would try to record it and broadcast it live. NOw the chances of this succeeding live are slim, but what the hell. Anyhow, if you wanna check it out follow this link between 9pm and 2am EST to listen with Real Audio G2. Otherwise if anything good comes of it I will rebroadcast it another day.

If I realize or wonder if its working, I will be watching the threads and perhaps in the chat room to see how it sounds etc. Later...